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                                    ALL-RUSSIAN STUDENTS OLYMPIAD round 3  


                                         Troshkin  Nikolay  Vyacheslavovich

     Second year student of the Samara State Aerospace University has obtained the III place in the

                     All-Russian Students Physics Olympiad (between technological universities)


Moscow                              November 28, 2007                                                                                                      

          Mathematical institute of  V.A. Steklov of the Russian Academy of Sciences

                                                   Samara State University

                                        Laboratory of mathematical physics



Student of Samara State Aerospace University


                                      Troshkin Nikolay Vyacheslavovich 

                                           Has obtained the FIRST place

  in the Open Students Olympiad on mathematical physics  among third year students


                                                            Samara, 2009


                                         Federal Agency for Education
                                     State educational institution of higher education


    "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)" MFTI


 Certifies that
                              The student of Samara State Aerospace University

                                     Troshkin Nikolay Vyacheslavovich


Is a prize-winner of competition of final qualifying bachelor works in applied physics and mathematics.

Chairman of organizing committee                                Dolgoprudny July 1-13, 2010










                                                       Hereby awarded

 Troshkin Nikolay Vyacheslavovich

National Higher Education Institution "Samara state Aerospace University", Samara city

"Recipient of the national prize for talented young people, established by the Russian Federation 
President Decree of April 6, 2006 No. 325 "On measures of National Support of talented young people"

                              The Minister of Education of the Russian Federation  

                                                              Moscow 2009






                                             "SAMARA STATE AEROSPACE UNIVERSITY
                                        named after Korolev S.P. (national exploration university)"


                                                        With Honors  
BMA 0130431
                           By the decision of the State Certification Board as of June 07, 2011

                              TROSHKINA ANNA VYACHESLAVOVNA

                               received MASTER'S DEGREE with a major in
                             "APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS"



                                   Diploma is a State Document on Higher Education

                                    "SAMARA STATE AEROSPACE UNIVERSITY
                                                              named after Korolev S.P. (national exploration university)"


                                                                 With Honors
                                                                BMA 0130431

                       By the decision of the State Certification Board as of June 07, 2011

                                     TROSHKIN NIKOLAY VYACHESLAVOVICH

                                       received MASTER'S DEGREE with a major in
                                       "APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS"


                                                               With Honors
BMA 0130431

                      By the decision of the State Certification Board as of June 07, 2014

                                    TROSHKINA ELENA VYACHESLAVOVNA

                                      received MASTER'S DEGREE with a major in
                                           "Applied Mathematics and Informatics"



                                               "SAMARA STATE AEROSPACE UNIVERSITY
                                           named after Korolev S.P. (national exploration university)


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